da dove siamo partiti e come agiamo

partiamo dall'inizio: siamo sciatori. incredibilmente fortunati a vivere nelle dolomiti. siamo appassionati di outdoor e di tutti gli sport che si possono praticare. ci sentiamo parte di una community composta da amici e da tutti quelli che abbiamo incontrato sciando in giro per il mondo

il experience action

as often happens, we start from our natural habitat: the snow. here, among people like us, we try to understand the needs of those who practice these sports. this is where the story of our products begins

product development begins by responding to our needs and those of our people. we test and re-test the initial prototypes until we are sure that what we propose really works. first of all for us. we cultivate a close and intimate relationship with the products we develop: each product is the result of research, study and analysis that leads il-experience to express its philosophy

this is the philosophy behind the development of our products. everything you find on these pages follows the same principles: honesty , because we aim to maintain an authentic and sincere relationship with you, just like we do in the mountains. essentiality , because we focus only on what we truly believe can be useful. authenticity , because ideas are born in the exact same place where they are then developed and become a product to be used